It's official 2017 is on the books!
Well after a slightly more successful event than the past years, we are excited to announce that Loud As Hell 6 will be happening! The dates are Aug 4th, 5th, and 6th in Drumheller again at the Dinosaur Downs stampede grounds. For right now we are simply taking band/volunteer submissions and working on some fund raising events so we can keep this event going. I want to thank everyone who has supported this festival up until this point, Geoff and I have put our hearts and bank accounts into this event and can't thank all of you enough.
We don't get rich, and well to be honest this event always costs us money, so knowing we have the support of our metal family and friends makes the decision every year easier to keep this machine going. We got lots of new stuff on the books for 2017!
- Much Love & Respect